Training with me


Strength training is arguably one of the most fundamental components to anyones programme. The three main lifts are the squat, bench press and deadlift, I use barbells, free weights or body weight to hit these lifts and generate forms of resistance.

Whether you want to improve general physical strength or it be the sole focus of your training, there will always be some form of resistance and strength exercises within your sessions.

Functional Fitness - ‘Metcon’

This is usually in the form of a short to medium length, high intensity workout. We will use kettlebells, dumbbells and bodyweight movements, combined with cardio kit to form varied and fun workouts.

‘Metcon’ is an abbreviation of metabolic conditioning. This form of training improves the efficiency of the body’s energy pathway. It improves both muscular and cardiovascular fitness and endurance.

These short workouts are a great way to finish off a session. You will leave energised and fulfilled.


CrossFit defines itself as “Constantly varied, functional movements performed at a high intensity”.

As a Certified CF-L1 trainer and CrossFit athlete myself, the methodology of CrossFit is integral to the way I train and coach. I believe the functionality of CrossFit can be beneficial to anyones life.

It combines gymnastics, olympic weightlifting and cardiovascular activities.

Olympic Lifting

There are two olympic lifts; the snatch and the clean & jerk. This form of training is one of the most effective ways to build strength, speed, power and co-ordination. Put simply, it involves lifting the barbell from the floor to overhead.

We can include these lifts as the training focus or can be an opportunity for you to learn a new skill.

Personal Trainer Peckham

“Connie’s knowledge about training is very high; I have definitely learned a lot from her!”